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Book a Mindbody Consultation

I am now offering my services as a mind-body coach to consult with others on their mind-body symptoms. The conditions most commonly associated with mindbody syndrome are chronic knee, back, hip and neck pain (which may have been attributed to osteoarthritis or herniated discs), IBS, brain fog, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), diarrhoea, constipation, TMJ, Fibromyalgia and migraines, but I will consult clients with any stress-related chronic condition. Consultations are £120 for 1 hour or £60 GBP for 38 minutes. Clients may choose either option. Bookings can be made via email:


'My' TMS philosophy can be summarised in the phrase, 'knowledge is power', and is all about getting back to the basics. It is inspired by the approach of the late Doctor John Sarno, founder of the mindbody field, with an added spiritual dimension for those who are open to it. Sarno understood the crucial power of knowledge in healing and had a rare genius for not making recovery harder or more complicated than it needs to be. He told his patients that most pain and other symptoms were psychological in origin but physical and real in manifestation, a distraction from buried stress. Most of his patients did not need to know exactly which hidden emotions were causing their ailments; they merely had to recognise the symptoms and fear as defence mechanisms keeping powerful emotions from surfacing, ignore them and get on with their lives. This knowledge diminished fear, and fear is what keeps the problem going. On the whole, Dr. Sarno did not emphasise meditation or journalling and only referred a minority of his patients for psychotherapy. The majority of those who accepted Sarno's diagnosis of TMS (The Mindbody Syndrome), understood his concepts and were willing to resume normal activities recovered without psychotherapy or further intervention. Doctor Sarno didn't heal them; they healed themselves thanks to a proper understanding of his discoveries. Likewise, all I can do is help to awaken the healer within by sharing information based on my experiences. I like to make the process as simple, short and easy as possible.

That being said, some people need a method because information and 'not trying' haven't worked. Journalling was a huge part of my recovery and I have learned how to do it efficiently. I can also help to strengthen the will to heal; in my opinion, this is a very important factor in some cases.


If that sounds good, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Book a Spiritmindbody Unification Consultation

Spiritmindbody unification is not really 'my' process, it is a name for an esoteric methodology that has been practiced for centuries in various forms, the best-known being the original Christianity of Jesus as described in the gospels. It also draws on Jungian psychology, alchemy, Gnosticism, Ancient Egyptian spirituality, Hermeticism and other esoteric traditions. Humans are tripartite beings comprised of spirits, minds and bodies. Obviously, the physical body dies; matter itself is dead and ephemeral. The soul or mind may survive bodily death, but it is not immortal in its default state. The spirit is eternal, a particularisation of the universal godhead, the source of all life and creation. Everyone has a spirit within them, or they would not be alive, but at birth, it is not a fixed part of the permanent inner self. That’s why there is an emphasis on rebirth in various spiritual and religious traditions. The goal of Christianity and spiritmindbody work, is to unify spirit, mind (or soul) and body, so that the individual's soul is protected, preserved, and guided by the divine spirit. This knowledge obviously has implications for manifesting, but this approach is NOT about manifesting materialistic or self-serving desires, though in certain cases ‘win-win’ scenarios such as the divine bargain are useful. The knowledge obtained from spiritmindbody work may be used to help others and facilitate spiritual progress, though it depends on the individual’s mindset. To simplify spirituality, I have codified a clear, detailed, efficient seven step process with concrete action steps, based on my personal experiences. The steps are as follows:

1. Seclusion – find a degree of space and quiet reflective time in your life for learning.

2. Know thyself – understand the unconscious and its major archetypes.

3. Forgive and Let Go – to purify the soul in readiness for rebirth and shake off unwanted emotional and archetypal influences.
4. The Teaching – understand esoteric cosmogony, what precisely is meant by spirit, soul and body and how to unify them, as well as the importance of doing so, with reference to various wisdom traditions and biblical exegesis (interpretation).

5. Active Service – offer to serve God in the manner of your choosing, as a concrete and decisive means of placing God and spirit above matter and ego. Actions speak louder than words.
6. Union with Spirit – Rebirth, Ascent and Henosis. 
7. Adhere to the Middle Way. Continue to pursue your purpose whilst avoiding the extremes of pointless self-denial and over-indulgence.

My role is to provide information to guide you as you progress on your own spiritual journey, based on my own experiences, reading, practice, and knowledge.


Will this help with my health problems?
Though they do have implications for healing, spiritmindbody unification consultations are not directly concerned with health, they are not mindbody consultations and do not involve in-depth discussion of TMS information and methods.
Do I have to be willing to serve God actively to achieve unity?
It may be possible to achieve unity passively, without doing anything on God's behalf, but that is not the process outlined here. Nonetheless, every stage of the process other than active service – especially step 4 and the information about inner work – is relevant to those who don't want to serve actively.

Consultations are £40 GBP and last one hour. Bookings can be made via email:

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